Well, I set the goal of finishing the first draft of my novel by the end of the year, and I accomplished it on December 28th. At 94,916 words, it's by far the largest work I've completed, and I'm particularly proud of having done it in such a short period of time. The Kraken's War (working title) was started as a NaNoWriMo project, so it went from not existing to full first draft in just shy of two months. Another thing I'm happy about with this novel is, since it's less than 100,000 words, it's eligible to be submitted to a particular publisher I've looked up. That's not to say I'll actually submit it to a publisher, but it is nice to know I could, if I wanted to.
The Kraken's War is a fantasy novel which follows two different characters living in the city-state of Kourdhaven. Alif is a nobleman, recently appointed to the Council of Lords, trying to see his friend Engir elected as Kourdhaven's next Highlord. Isha is a teenaged girl who was orphaned at a young age, making a living as a courier for a shady merchant company in the lower docks district.
When word arrives in the city of an invading fleet of hundreds of Kelleck raiders heading directly for Kourdhaven, the already tense political situation nearly erupts into chaos, and both Isha and Alif find themselves in unexpected new roles. Can they work together to save their home from the vicious invaders and the dark magics they bring with them?
I know I should be working on proofreading what I've just finished, but I've had a short horror story rattling around in my head for a while that I want to knock out first, so I'll be working on that and then I'll come back to The Kraken's War with a fresh set of eyes.